A successful music student is not a success without a support team. Thank you for all you do to support your student's involvement in music education.
Resources for Parents & Guardians
Resources for Parents & Guardians
- inCHOIRer Newsletter for Oshkosh North Choirs current guardians and students is sent via Infinite Campus
- Like/follow our Facebook Page and Instagram Account (@onhschoirs)
- Can you help out? We are always in need of volunteers! Please contact Ms. Duffy-Ulrich.
ONHS Music Parent Association (MPA)
The Oshkosh North Music Parents is comprised of parents who have a son or daughter who participates in the Oshkosh North High School music department. This group serves as a 'music booster' group that helps to plan Music Department events, organizes fundraisers to help subsidize the Music Department budget, acts as a fine arts advocacy group in the Oshkosh community, and assists with administrative and logistical tasks in the Music Department. All interested parents are invited to attend music parent meetings.
Music Parent Officers
Music Parent Officers
- President: Elizabeth Geffers and Jenn Moon
- Treasurer: Jennifer Paulick
- Secretary: Jennifer Kuehn
- Members at Large: TBD